“BEFORE I DIE” is a documentary road movie that follows the journey of a Ukrainian family. Grisha, a 40-year-old man, and his father Ivan set out on a quest to locate the grave of their long-lost grandfather. This grandfather, a former soldier in the Red Army, was captured by the Germans and transported across old Europe to France, where he ultimately passed away. Before Ivan, now 80 years old, embarks on his own final journey, Grisha aims to introduce him to contemporary Europe—a place Ivan has never had the chance to explore. They are motivated by the hope that this journey will bring their family together in a final, reconciliatory act.
Status: in production
Director&script: Juri Rechinsky
DOP: Angelika Spangel
Producers: Thomas Herberth, Florian Brüning
Production: Horse&Fruits Vienna
Kindly supported by: BMKÖS, Zukunftsfonds der Republik Österreich, MA 7 Stadt Wien, Land Niederösterreich, FISA Comeback