A filmmaker with Russian roots collaborates with his Austrian team to shoot a fictional film in the village of his relatives, near the Russian-Ukrainian border. In the backdrop, inexplicable events are unfolding in the village: cars stop working, electricity suddenly goes out, children slip out of the control of the adults, and even the mortality rate rises. The young cousin, Seva, has a theory about the causes of these incidents, while other villagers don’t seem to be concerned at all.

The village undergoes a transformation into a fictional narrative.

Dok.Leipzig 2021

25. – 31. Oktober 2021

Viennale 2021

21. – 31. Oktober 2021

Duisburger Filmwoche 2021

10. – 14. November 2021

Digital Video / DCP / 4:3
Runtime: 123 minutes


Director&Script: Aleksey Lapin

DOP: Adrian Campean

Editor: Sebastian Schreiner

Producers: Thomas Herberth, Florian Brüning

Production: Horse&Fruits Vienna

Kindly supported by Österreichisches Filminstitut Projektentwicklung, BKA Kunst und Kultur, ORF Film-/Fernseh-Abkommen